Friday, July 24, 2009

A sunny day today

Today it was a beautiful 88 degrees outside. So when I got to the Veterans Home I Decided to take Dad outside . We sat for a while just enjoying the birds chirping and the cool shade with the gentile breeze. The grounds at the Veterans Home are Beautiful.
Dad sure loves it when we go outside. After being outside for a little while Dad all of the sudden went ouch and tightly closed his eyes. I asked him if he hurt somewhere and he said yes. so I started the guessing game as to what hurt. then he rubbed his chest right at the sternum and I asked him if that is where it hurt he said yes. about 30 seconds later it stopped hurting. not long enough for me to get him to a nurse. any ways he seemed tired but ok after wards. I took him to get lunch in the little coffee shop they have there he lived it and ate every bite as well as drank a whole root beer by himself. this chest pain happened again 2 more times while we were eating but did not seem to last but 10-15 seconds.

After we ate Nichole and Peter came to show Dad his Newest Great Grand Son Beck. I think they look alike.

He enjoyed seeing him and holding him. When back messed in his diaper I asked Dad if he wanted to change him he just laughed.

Before I left his chest thing happened once more. I let the nurses know and I have called Hospice to make them aware of it. I told them to keep him out of pain.

I do not know what will happen and when but I do know that dad told me Mom has been visiting him. asking him to go with her. he told me this today.

I love you all and hope all is well with you. Jo Ellen

Monday, July 20, 2009

just a reminder

I just want to remind al of you this is a family blog and anyone can post comments and create posts. I hope this finds all of you well.

I love you all Jo Ellen

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I just wanted to say thank you for your diligence in visiting with Dad and keeping us posted on how he is doing. I really miss being there and seeing him like I did now over a year ago.
I am so glad that Bethany is better and that Nichole and the baby are well.
Good also to see pictures of Jon and Terri visiting as well as Betsy and Bill. Betsy sure looks a lot like grandma!

On the homefront, David is again taking a paycut thanks to the governor of California. That will be 20% in less than 6 months! Luckily when he leaves office 15% will come back to us. In the mean time, I am going to school online for medical billing but won't get any pay from that for 17 months!
We are also working on doing paperwork to adopt Isaiah - the first foster baby we had nearly 12 years ago. We got to visit with him nearly 2 weeks ago and it went well. We are hoping to be able to spend more time with him as our paperwork progesses. He is still a sweet and happy child. He is nearly as tall as I am and wears 1 size shoe smaller than I do! He is definately going to be a tall one.
It has gotten very hot here and have lost 7 tomato plants and 3 strawberry plants and all my bean plants but the zuchinni is doing well as are my beef tomatoes that are in those topsy turvy containers that you might have seen on t.v. We will do more gardening in the fall. Our pink grapefruit tree is doing good too. It has lots of buds on it now.

Thank you

Sunday, July 12, 2009

News From Maraih

Last night Mariah got engaged. The young mans name is Kyle Stewart. His family is from Las Vegas. No date set yet will post more news as it becomes available.

Monday, July 6, 2009

It's a Boy

A big congratulations to Nichole and Peter on the Birth of there son Beck Abraham Ivie Born today July6, 2009 at approximately 6:30 pm. 4 pounds 12.7 ounces.

Mom and baby are doing fine.

wow now they have a family of 6 Becks big sisters Jessica, Bethany and Miriam think he is soooooo cute.